Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Managed and unmanaged code

Difference between managed and unmanaged code

What is Managed Code ?

Managed code is the code that is written to target the services of the managed runtime execution environment such as Common Language Runtime in .Net Technology.
The Managed Code running under a Common Language Runtime cannot be accessed outside the runtime environment as well as cannot call directly from outside the runtime environment. It refers to a contract of cooperation between natively executing code and the runtime. It offers services like garbage collection, run-time type checking, reference checking etc. By using managed code you can avoid many typical programming mistakes that lead to security holes and unstable applications, also, many unproductive programming tasks are automatically taken care of, such as type safety checking, memory management, destruction of unused Objects etc.

What is Unmanaged Code ?

Unmanaged code compiles straight to machine code and directly executed by the Operating System. The generated code runs natively on the host processor and the processor directly executes the code generated by the compiler. It is always compiled to target a specific architecture and will only run on the intended platform. So, if you want to run the same code on different architecture then you will have to recompile the code using that particular architecture.

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